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the art room

During the school year the classroom is my studio. I enjoy seeing my students grow as both artists and unique individuals. To engage and encourage them in their passions proves to be a continual challenge and reward. I received my Bachelor’s Degree at Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. There I majored in studio art with concentrations in painting and graphic design as well as a minor in art history. I earned my teaching credentials and a Master’s in Art Education from East Carolina University. I am a National Board Certified art educator and currently teach high school visual arts. I have taught every grade level from kindergarten through high school in the last 17 years. This year I made it back to my high school alma mater, West Carteret, where my parents would not let me take art until my senior year. They feel really bad about that now – so don’t give them too hard of a time about it if you see them!


"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."
- Albert Einstein
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